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Astonomical Clock


The world of astrology is vast with a long and storied history in and of itself. The Ancestors have long studied the stars contemplating our own origins and in these epoch-turning times and as we even contemplate our own star origins, we continue to find more and more objects floating around our solar system.

As our understanding collectively deepens about the archetypes of the planets and we learn more about the asteroids, KBO’s and centaurs we are now able to find new nuances in our traditional natal charts and in our mundane astrology.

This area of QPW will feature many talks and specialized deep dives on certain planets and transits as well as exploring the history of astrology and where it's headed.

Asteroids & Avatars #2 - 'Imbolc & The Underworld' - With Dwarf Planet Astrologer Alan Clay & Davyd

Asteroids & Avatars #2 - 'Imbolc & The Underworld' - With Dwarf Planet Astrologer Alan Clay & Davyd

In this brand new episode of 'Asteroids & Avatars' host Davyd Farrell talks with Astrologer Alan Clay, founder of the Dwarf Planet University. Celebrating the launch of Alans brand new book and fee kindle give away this week, the pair explore the astrology of Imbolc - 4th Feb through the lens of the 10 Dwarf planets featured in Alans book. With a big focus on Pluto in recent weeks, entering Aquarius and its cazimi with the Sun as it did so - Alan leads Davyd down into the underworld of these 10 Dwarf planets to explain more about the transformational processes at work right now, but also in tandem with the rejuvenating energies of Imbolc or the Celtic Spring and of the Goddess. In this episode they look at; - Sedna - Haumea - Orcus - Makemake - Gongggonng - Eris - Salacia - Varuna - Quaoar - Ixion - The chart for Imbolc - 4th Feb - Pluto as the guide for the next 20 years through Aquarius Alan Clay runs the Dwarf Planet University, and, if you act fast, you can download a free copy of the Kindle version of his new book to coincide with this podcast. Search on Amazon for New Stars for a New Era: A Consciousness Workbook for our 10 New Planets. Reviews are calling it a "groundbreaking book” which is "accessible to both seasoned astrologers and novices eager to gain an understanding of the emergence of new consciousnesses in our world." To download the free kindle of Alan's new book - New Stars for a new era - To purchase the paperback copy - Dwarf Planet University offers 6 week courses on the astrology of each of the new outer planets. The students at the Uni range from beginners to experienced astrologers. What they love is the community sharing, through blog-posted assignments and live Zoom Q&As, which gives a good picture of how these new planets act similarly, and yet diversely, in our lives. Check out our website and subscribe to our email newsletter for dwarf planet news and scholarship deals. To learn more about the brand new Oak immersion Davyd will be co-hosting with Bella Alvaran from Feb 28th -

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Pátzcuaro, Michoacán de Ocampo

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