These teachings are powerful and unique, they invite you to a magical spiritual journey in the realm of the galactic myths, where the unicorns, angels, dragon warriors, winged lions, pegasus, dolphins, whales fairies, and elves, the messengers of the Christ Consciousness and other mythical beings come to life to help us understand our soul journey, undo karmic knots reconnect to our galactic heart and activate our galactic DNA.
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All Stellar Nations
Every Stellar Nation Included. Access to the QPW Stellar Nations Community
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Unicorns, Angels, The Winged Lions, Dragons, Great Felines,
Pegasus, Female Serpent, Male Serpent
The Bears, The Cosmic Human, The Cosmic Arthropods,
Birds, Dolphins, Whales,
The Cosmic History of the Stellar Nations
By the end of the journey, you will be able to recognize that these mystical beings are not only participants in our fairy tales and dreams, but they work within us as soul rays, invisible principles, mission codes, and destiny-shaping stellar forces, by which our lives are guided. It is the first time in the history of Planet Earth that this 7th-dimensional secret teaching of the Galactic Akashic Records may be revealed, in the mirror through which each human can recognize his or her primordial stellar roots on the levels of the body, soul, and spirit, and everyone can understand the highest motives of his or her existence. We can reconnect with the memory of the cosmic history of the entire Milky Way Galaxy, in the mirror of the thirteen Stellar Nations and more than 230 stars, to which the authors have created a personal stellar horoscope called Antares Code®, which is available on request, and which enables the wonderful teachings of the stars to be interpreted personally for the very first time now.
You are awaited by a completely new journey of discovery, something never experienced before - and the final destination is Your true Self!