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Shamanic Mentoring


Davyd has over 10 years of working deeply with all kinds of plant medicines and shamanic principles.

Trained as both a Plant Spirit Healer and a Geomancer many moons ago he has developed his own unique style of quantum plant alchemy that fuses the world of medicinal plants with their entheogenic cousins and many other modalities as well.
For many years Davyd ran in-person retreats and did 1:1 quantum remote clearing sessions.

In more recent times he co-founded Quantum Plant Healing with his partner Bella Alvaran and for two years they held global online plant immersions that several thousand people participated in at various points.
He is also the co-founder of with Bella.

As the collective Ascension process gathers pace and the New Earth timeline gets more firmly anchored Davyd is now offering shamanic mentoring services that can guide you on your path.
His 1:1 Zoom sessions can be booked for 1 hour at the rate of $118 USD.

These sessions can cover a multitude of topics ranging from;

  • Working safely and successfully with entheogenic plants, particularly Santa Maria (Cannabis) and The Sacred Fungi (psilocybin Mushroom)

  • Alchemising various plant medicines to work in harmony with each other

  • Tips on Geomancy - land clearing, house clearances and sacred sites

  • How to navigate the realms of consciousness - particularly the 4D Astrals and the 5D Non-dual spaces and how to integrate those experiences into your life

  • Integrating plant medicine with Mayan Magic, astrology, and cosmology for precise healing, magic, and manifestation

    +  many other forms of healing and magic from his various lineages.

Price: $118 USD /HOUR

Get in Touch

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Pátzcuaro, Michoacán de Ocampo

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