Hello Davyd and Bella, thank you for such a rich conversation. It is great to hear the many perspectives and information coming through everyone. I have this feeling that in the group space, if one asks a question, there is likely someone in the group that can answer, I think that is some of the power and magic of this tribe (which is full of seers of all kinds!)
Also, thank you for the more mundane aspect of walking through how to use the website, I admit that I have not engaged through the website until now because I was intimidated and overwhelmed by the use of the platform. So thanks for the walk through. May I suggest making a short video that could be a user guide to the website, how to use the features and maybe troubleshooting for the more common issues? It may save you time and if it is short people can revisit it easily if they run into an issue.
I am looking forward to many more calls and conversations on this new earth!
Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, ge...
Hello Davyd and Bella, thank you for such a rich conversation. It is great to hear the many perspectives and information coming through everyone. I have this feeling that in the group space, if one asks a question, there is likely someone in the group that can answer, I think that is some of the power and magic of this tribe (which is full of seers of all kinds!)
Also, thank you for the more mundane aspect of walking through how to use the website, I admit that I have not engaged through the website until now because I was intimidated and overwhelmed by the use of the platform. So thanks for the walk through. May I suggest making a short video that could be a user guide to the website, how to use the features and maybe troubleshooting for the more common issues? It may save you time and if it is short people can revisit it easily if they run into an issue.
I am looking forward to many more calls and conversations on this new earth!