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Time Dimensions by Robert
Great complement to Chapter 9, in fact to all the Navigation Guide.
Live the reflections and work of Robert E. Grant.
What do you think?
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Great complement to Chapter 9, in fact to all the Navigation Guide.
Live the reflections and work of Robert E. Grant.
What do you think?
I completed the Navigation Guide a while ago (I can't remember what day it was to state the energy of the day in the wavespell). It has taken me this long to integrate everything and feel ready to share a testimonial. The journey was fascinating and indeed led to many a revelation: truths about "reality", insights into myself, amazing discoveries about space, time, numbers, frequencies and so much more. They have all now been integrated but they are too many to mention here. The synchronicities alone would fill a tome.
Needless to say it was one of my favorite "courses" offered by Davyd and Bella (and I have purchased everything they have ever offered on both QPW and QPH before 😊). Love you guys and your teachings, the knowledge and experience you have and share with all of us, and the many ways you guide, support and encourage your tribe.…
We had a wonderful and far out call on Friday.
Congratulations to Frances, Beth and Ashley who have all completed the Navigation Guide. Welcome to the Turtle Tribe.
We would love to hear from ALL OF YOU who have completed all 13 steps of the Navigation Guide. It truly is a life changing, reality shifting expereince and once completed nothing looks the same as it did before.
A sense of expansion and limitllessness kicks in.
In fact we would love to hear from everyone in this group - hearing which chapter you have got to, or where you may have got stuck.
Just wanted to share my testimonial on completing A Navigation Guide to Quantum Consciousness. Firstly thank you to Bella and Davyd for sharing all this intel with us, its been very much appreciated. I completed Chapter 13 on the Yellow Warrior day and it's taken a few days now to integrate. I have a cosmic tome in my Galactic Signature and thought this was just taking a few days to really integrate properly. Yesterday on day five of this Red Magnetic Earth wavespell and a Yellow Sun, I became aware of how expanded I feel/am. I had that experience as I went through the chapters, as each one integrated and the synchronicities began to flow. It took longer than I had thought to complete the 13 chapters. When I started in mid September I thought I would do each chapter starting on Day 1 through to 13, but …
Rainbow Warrior
Turtle Tribe
WoW - What a process, testamonial and sharing. This is exactly what can happen when you follow the steps. So happy to read all this sister. Wishing you a very happy Christ-mass 🌲