Course Outline
Being hosted on QPW this special course will give you the keys to understanding all the various aspects of Geomancy including how to;
Access the Keys to Grace
Read and work with Dragons, Elementals, and Nature Spirits
Work with vibrational communications in order to access key information
Identify and connect with Sacred Sites, Nodal Points, Portals, and Guardian Spirits
Design and work with Labyrinth energy
Identify and heal unhelpful energies, entities, and other traumas in the land
In addition to the workshop presentations by Patrick which will be pre-recorded, there will also be additional commentary interviews to expand on the topics as well as a live Q&A for all participants to put their questions to Patrick, Davyd, and Bella.
This special series is different from the material offered on Quantum Plant Healing but works with the same principles. The use of the pendulum and/or kinesiology is a big part of connecting to other forms of intelligence in the landscape which can include plants and trees as well as elementals and other non-physical beings.
These 6 modules can all be accessed at any time and worked through at your own pace and leisure.
If you have already done some of the plant immersions or other protocols or workshops on QPH then this work will strongly build on that and give you the direct keys and protocols to not only energetically clean your own property but also work responsibly and respectfully in the wider landscape around you.
Keys to Grace
Physics of consciousness,
Entering and maintaining our zone of peak awareness and connectivity
Nature of grace state – cardiac coherence, performance zone, self-actualization
Nature and resonance of toroidal field
Quality of consciousness vs. content of mind – soul mind vs. body-mind functions
Qualities arising in the grace state – love, gratitude, peace, clarity, strength, courage, beauty
Physics of the golden ratio wave-form
Art and practice of blessing
Dragons, Elementals and Nature Spirits
Levels of interactive landscape consciousness – who’s who and what they get up to…
Dragons – pathways of flow in the toroidal field, personal and landscape both local and global – yin and yang chi – large and small
Nodal points and pathways
Use of nodal points as centers of energy and influence for people plants and animals
Geopathic stress
Elementals, earth water air fire, and ether
Nature and function of elemental consciousness
Interaction and co-operation potential
Nature spirits – many and various
Communication and cooperation potential
Vibrational Communications
Review of techniques to interact with the vibration realms, including dowsing, kinesiology, and telepathy
Range and spectrum of divination practices, from deep trance mediumship and astral projection, through dreaming and telepathy, through use of interactive tools from tarot and runes to scrying, to binary processes of dowsing and kinesiology – when and why to use different of those
Open and closed questions
Identifying and working with trusted spirit companions and helpers, angelic, ancestral, plant-animal, and others
Power Centers and Sacred Sites
Identifying, connecting, and working with site energies, guardian spirits, portals, boundaries, and pathways of connection
Nature of power centers, natural and human invoked
Earth energies present
Portals between vibrational realms
Pathways of connection out into the wider landscape
Historical use of power centers in their natural form
Attunements and enhancements for purpose and use – sacred geometry and harmonic resonance, astronomical alignments and influences, intention
Site guardian spirits, natural and invoked
Agricultural, social, and spiritual influences arising
The winding path that leads us straight to the divine…
Nature, history, and spread of labyrinths around the world
Different types of labyrinths from classical seven circuits to Roman and medieval
Purposes and uses of labyrinths, personal and collective, meditation and ritual
Creation and care of personal and community labyrinths
Things that go “bump” in the night –
Ghosts, entities, and demons, residual human energies both intentional and emotional – strategies for healing and refreshing the energies of place
A review of energies and entities that create disturbance, disruption, and incoherence
Personal, collective, and site disturbances
Sick and sad dragons, geopathic stress
Displaced or traumatized elementals and nature spirits
Earth-bound human souls
Intrusive, attached, and displaced entities many and various Demons
Practices of healing, freeing and clearing, renewal refreshment, and blessing
Best Value
The Sacred Art of Geomancy
An incredible 6 module course led by world-renowned Geomancer - Dr. Patrick MacManaway!
Válido hasta que se cancele
Modules Include:
Keys to Grace
Dragons, elementals and nature spirits
Vibrational communications
Power centers and scared sites
Things that go “bump” in the night