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Quantum Planet Tribe

Público·237 miembros

Davyd Farrell

Rainbow Warrior

Turtle Tribe

Video replay now available to watch on todays Important Tribe Wide Live call

As per the call please do post responses to this thread which I have also tagged with the topic 'We The People'. For those thoughts that you wish to share on that topic please use the same topic thread by clicking on + Add a topic and then clicking the We The People topic - this will create a more dedicated thread for those thoughts so that they dont get lost in the overall discussion thread

A Huge Heart felt thanks to everyone who attended today. This is a HUGE moment for humanity and NOW ITS OUR TURN :-)

61 vistas
Davyd Farrell
Davyd Farrell
hace 3 horas

Bless you Shari. I actually feel kinda blessed myself to have had some of this beings energy come through me and to have met the Sophianic energy through Bella. I tink its what called us so strongly together in the first place. For sure I now realise that beings like Yeshua and Archangel Ezekiel have been talking to me my whole life really. I just didnt know who it was most of the time. We can all track our Christ Consciousness energy though through the reading of our Bear nation codes. Especially in relation to the fight with the male serpents of which Yeshua carried I believe a lot of too. Fascinating stuff

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