Who has completed all 13 steps?
We had a wonderful and far out call on Friday.
Congratulations to Frances, Beth and Ashley who have all completed the Navigation Guide. Welcome to the Turtle Tribe.
We would love to hear from ALL OF YOU who have completed all 13 steps of the Navigation Guide. It truly is a life changing, reality shifting expereince and once completed nothing looks the same as it did before.
A sense of expansion and limitllessness kicks in.
In fact we would love to hear from everyone in this group - hearing which chapter you have got to, or where you may have got stuck.
I highly recomend watching this live call replay as it contains so much of the energy of what its like to step into a different way of. being and see and expereince the universe as a wonderful user friendly playgroud for our imaginations.
We will organise another live call again for htis group probably in about 4-5 weeks.