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A Navigation Guide to Quantum Consciousness

Público·114 miembros


Rainbow Warrior

Turtle Tribe

I completed the Navigation Guide a while ago (I can't remember what day it was to state the energy of the day in the wavespell). It has taken me this long to integrate everything and feel ready to share a testimonial. The journey was fascinating and indeed led to many a revelation: truths about "reality", insights into myself, amazing discoveries about space, time, numbers, frequencies and so much more. They have all now been integrated but they are too many to mention here. The synchronicities alone would fill a tome.

Needless to say it was one of my favorite "courses" offered by Davyd and Bella (and I have purchased everything they have ever offered on both QPW and QPH before 😊). Love you guys and your teachings, the knowledge and experience you have and share with all of us, and the many ways you guide, support and encourage your tribe. I am eternally grateful for stumbling upon you.

For a little background - I very inadvertently came across an interview with Davyd on some obscure summit I was watching at the time (as it turned out Davyd's and only one other interview were the only ones I watched from the whole summit - I guess that's what I was there for). Anyway, Davyd mostly talked about plants, and some esoteric ideas mixed in with the plants. Crazy stuff, like talking to plants, and having a relationship with plants! And not just like "Hello, Petunia! How are you today?" while giving some water on the windowsill. No . . . it was about having conversations with plants, relationships with plants . . . like with people! And these were 2-WAY communications, not just the one-sided Petunia example! I was absolutely intrigued! As a person who loved plants but over the years unintentionally murdered all the ones I brought into my care, decided it was best for the plants if I just left the beautiful plant caretaking job to other people who knew what they were doing (like my husband who has the greenest thumb I've ever seen). Anyway, during Davyd's interview I dared to imagine if the things he was saying could really be true? At the end he offered the Dandelion immersion replay at a discount (this was Feb. 2023), which I snapped up . . . and then sat on for a couple months, trying to process all the things Davyd had said. By the time I was like "ok, I want to know more about what this guy was talking about", it was already April 2023. But I started the Dandelion immersion and OMG the doors that have opened since have been truly phenomenal! I have SO many stories I could tell! Not the least of which, was that shortly after completing the Dandelion immersion, a plant actually talked to me . . . me - plant murderer extraordinaire! I couldn't believe it even as it was happening! I don't know if I can describe the scenario properly but I'll try.

I was at an office for the company I work for wrapping up a conversation with a coworker when all of sudden out of nowhere I turned to the window in the room where there were several plants in pots on the sill. I had just had the most unusual feeling, as if someone had called to me in my mind. I said "Oh, what a beautiful plant". It was somewhat viney with little hot pink flowers all over it. My coworker then said "Oh you like that? You can have it, please, take it with you". So I did, thinking the whole time "this is crazy, I'm a plant killer, what am I doing?" By the time I got it home It was obvious it was not in good shape. The poor thing's soil was bone dry and most of the beautiful flowers had fallen off during the short ride home from the office. I showed it to my husband, unbelievingly telling him how the plant had "cried out to me and drawn my attention to it" He saw it's condition and replied that it must have been truly desperate to have called to me!

But I did the best I could, followed my husband's instructions, and tried to nurse her back to health. As it turns out the plant was called a Flaming Katy. Which was such a synchronicity for me as my given name is Catherine but my nickname growing up was Katy (with a -y, not an -ie) just like the plant. I knew then, through that experience, without a doubt, that for whatever strange reason the universe had for putting ME on this plant path, that I would follow it and see where it led me. And here I am today, like I said, with more stories along my journey, but I digress from the purpose of this post. (As a side note, Flaming Katy made a small comeback over the next several months and I had hope that she would pull through. Unfortunately, just as with humans, it turns out that it was just the last final rally of spirit in this life before moving on to the next. But she will forever be with me as the one who reached out so powerfully to the least likely of allies and broke through a veil of understanding in me that has opened a world of possibilities.)

Back to the Navigation Guide. As my journey with QPH continued with plant immersions, Davyd and Bella started to bring in this weird Mayan stuff - talking about 13 day wavespell containers and glyphs and the strangest daily affirmations that didn't make any logical sense when you read them. I was just getting the hang of the plant stuff and now THIS new stuff was coming into my awareness for some reason. I thought, "What the heck is going on? And honestly WHAT am I doing here?" But I just kept on. I had no idea what they were talking about with all the Mayan stuff but as part of the immersions I told myself to just listen, it didn't matter if I didn't understand it because that was not what I was here for. I was here for the plants.

But by golly, do you know what happened? Through repetition from one immersion to the next, held within the containers of the wavespells - things started making sense. Pieces were dropping into place. I didn't even know what was happening because I wasn't DOING anything. But I was understanding. And the more I understood the more I wanted to know. It was complicated and there was a lingo, but I was starting to grasp what Bella and Davyd were trying to get across. And it wasn't in a book smart sort of way that I was learning this new concept of time - it was through experiential integration. The more I participated with the energy of the day the more patterns started to emerge. I was so fascinated by the whole process that, like I said, I just wanted to know more. How was all this working, what was it really about, and why was I being led down this avenue now, yet another path that, along with the plant path, I would have NEVER chosen for myself?

So I decided to go all in on this crazy Mayan stuff and signed up for the Mayan Time & Magic course (instead of starting the Stellar Nations courses that I previously just purchased, along with my Antares Code and a structured plan for 2024 to dive into one nation each month - alas, it was not meant to be - instead the universe took me down the path of the Maya). I threw myself into studying the course and then developing my own little curriculum along with all of Bella's teachings, of books, and journals, and almanacs, and calendars, and apps, and the Quantum Compass shows. All of which I implemented with a daily ritual of sorts to learn more and participate in the wavespells.

AND THEN, Bella and Davyd released the Navigation Guide and brought it all home! The NG tied everything together and rounded out everything I had been learning to that point. It greatly expanded on the tones/numbers of the wavespells. The sacred geometry for each number really put things in perspective for me. It brought so much to my understanding of the whole process of the wavespells. All of the elements that Bella brought into each lesson with regard to each tone/number helped to connect so many dots. Again, I will be forever grateful to Davyd and Bella for all their hard work, creativity, and passion for teaching and sharing knowledge with others, that has brought so much to my life and so many others!

My favorite section of the NG was Chapter 2. The chapter on counter balance and polarity vs. duality. This chapter was the most informative and useful of chapters with information that I needed to integrate into my life experience. Completing that chapter and implementing the thought processes put forth, along with breaking some of my own behavioral patterns and limiting beliefs has brought me much progress on my personal journey through this current lifetime.

I don't think I really ran into any Guardians "blocking my path" on my journey through the NG. It took me a little longer to integrate some tones that others, some I breezed through one after the other. I would say Chapter 13 took me the longest amount of time to get to - but rather than any spiritual or energetic blocks holding me back, I think it had more to do with the fact that I didn't want it to end! 😉

With so much gratitude,

Katy 🌹

Yellow Planetary Human 💛

P.S. So sorry this ended up being WAY longer than I originally had intended. I hope it was coherent enough to get across what I was trying to convey. Bless you if you read 'til the end! 😅

33 vistas
Davyd Farrell
Davyd Farrell
Dec 23, 2024

WoW - What a process, testamonial and sharing. This is exactly what can happen when you follow the steps. So happy to read all this sister. Wishing you a very happy Christ-mass 🌲

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