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Space Supernova


As traditional astrology is now rapidly evolving to incorporate many more ever-nuanced aspects we sense an exciting fusion and development taking place. Both the advent of the discovery of many of the Kuiper Belt Objects (KBO’s), as well as new and fresh looks at the world of the Centaurs, Asteroids, Dwarf Planets, and Black Holes is giving deeper insights into the nature of both ourselves but also reality itself.

Here we will create a library of information relating to all of these exciting new discoveries at the boundaries of astrology


*This part of our Quantum New Earth vision is still waiting to manifest. If you are interested in sharing your work here or possibly collaborating in some way please contact us using the form below. We are interested to hear from anybody who has their own Quantum vision or project to share with the world

Let’s Work Together

Thanks for submitting!

Pátzcuaro, Michoacán de Ocampo

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E-Mail: Bella - Davyd

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